Daily Bread

Daily Bread

From God's Holy Word

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Rev. Dr. J. Mike Howington has an online email ministry called "Daily Bread" that goes out every Mon., Wed., and Fri., free, to individuals who request it (blind copied so no one gets anyone else's address). Anyone interested in receiving the messages should just send an email to jmike.howington@gmail.com requesting it. Or, submit your email in the form below.

The following is a sample from a database containing original Daily Bread messages sent by Rev. Howington, since April of 2002:
(Constantly updating this database. Some recent samples of my Daily Bread messages are on my blog: www.jmhowington.com )

This Daily Bread email message was originally sent on 06/02/2020:
John 16:33 - These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

This verse has frequently been taken out of context, mis-applied and been split into two separate sentences. Yet Jesus intended it to be interpreted, in context, as an answer to the disciples’ finally believing in Him (vs. 31). He was not prophesying about the end-times. Jesus was telling His disciples that they would be, and are now being, split apart. But they will not be alone just as Jesus was not alone because He had His Father with Him. (vs, 32)

To see another example DB message just click here .

Free: Daily Bread email message on Mon., Wed., & Fri. each week

Simply tell me where to send it.

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For more detailed Daily Bread messages, too long to send in an email, click on the link to my blog at: www.jmhowington.com

For details on Rev. J. Mike Howington's ministries, click on the link to posts on my blog at: www.jmhowington.com/ ...ministries

Work continues on my "Trans-denominational Bible Study" which is the multi-denominational study and commentary of each of the books of the Bible. It was started in 1994, but it might not not get finished in my life time. The Transdenomination bible also contains some of the scripture commentary sent out in the Daily Bread emails.

I completed a book (5X8 "paperback") of 52 weeks worth (one year's worth) of "Daily Bread Messages," awhile ago and self-published it on Amazon. Recently I re-edited and amended it.

I could not afford to publish Intra-Denominational Christian Daily Bread, Volume 1 Edition 2 through a commercial retail publisher, so I self-published it here, on this website. Please "buy" a copy (for free) by clicking on this download image. The PDF file downloaded will be named jmhowingtonEbook_DBvol1Ed2.pdf

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I hope the Intra-Denominational Christian Daily Bread serves your daily nourishment of God's Word well. If you find the time, please send me an email with any comments, questions, observations and/or suggestions to jmike.howington@gmail.com

© Copyright.  This website is my own fault (Rev. Dr. J. Mike Howington)